Anti-Spam Policy

FirmWise does not tolerate unsolicited messages or any messages sent by unauthorized users and considers them as spam. If you receive any abusive messages, please report them to us as soon as possible by sending us your mobile number, the time and date of the message, and the content of the message if possible. FirmWise will immediately investigate the reported matter and all involved individuals’ identities will remain confidential. Uploading “cold” email/SMS lists or purchased lists is prohibited in our terms of service.

Opting Out/Unsubscribing/Removing Your Mobile Number

Users can remove their mobile number from any client’s list at any time by texting “stop” followed by the textword they signed up for. To remove your number from all FirmWise client’s lists, reply with “stop all.” If you wish to report abuse, send us an email to with your mobile number, the content of the message (if possible), and the time and date of the message received. Your mobile number will be promptly removed from the sender’s list.

Enforcement of FirmWise’s Anti-Spam Policy

All clients of FirmWise agree to our Terms and Conditions and undergo A2P registration to obtain approved sender verification from carriers. FirmWise can track information related to sent messages, including sender and message content. Violations of FirmWise’s Anti-Spam policy may result in a warning or termination of the client’s services, including future services. FirmWise complies with all state and national laws and regulations regarding unsolicited text messages and/or spam.